WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:05.740 Creation 2: Prometheus 00:00:05.740 --> 00:00:10.370 After the great war between the gods and the Titans was over, 00:00:10.370 --> 00:00:16.430 the victorious gods had thrown all the grey Titans down to Tartarus. 00:00:16.430 --> 00:00:18.930 Only two had been spared, 00:00:18.930 --> 00:00:21.580 the two that had not fought against them: 00:00:21.580 --> 00:00:24.220 Prometheus, whose name means ‘forethought’, 00:00:24.220 --> 00:00:28.910 and Epimetheus, whose name means ‘afterthought’. 00:00:28.910 --> 00:00:32.570 One day, Prometheus left his green valley. 00:00:32.570 --> 00:00:38.090 He crossed a grassy plain and he came to a cave in the side of a mountain. 00:00:38.090 --> 00:00:39.710 He entered. 00:00:39.710 --> 00:00:41.830 There was a pool of water. 00:00:41.830 --> 00:00:44.920 He dipped his hand into it and drank. 00:00:44.920 --> 00:00:46.720 And then he heard a voice: 00:00:46.720 --> 00:00:48.550 ‘Prometheus.’ 00:00:48.550 --> 00:00:51.100 He peered into the darkness. 00:00:51.100 --> 00:00:54.910 He saw there were three figures crouching in the shadows, 00:00:54.910 --> 00:00:57.700 three ancient crones, 00:00:57.700 --> 00:01:00.500 their skin as white as apple flesh, 00:01:00.500 --> 00:01:03.900 creased and folded like old leather. 00:01:03.900 --> 00:01:06.670 The first was spinning a thread. 00:01:06.670 --> 00:01:11.540 The third was holding a pair of sharp shears in her hands. 00:01:11.540 --> 00:01:13.150 ‘Who are you?’ 00:01:13.150 --> 00:01:15.680 It was the middle sister who answered. 00:01:15.680 --> 00:01:19.460 ‘Prometheus, we are the three Fates. 00:01:19.460 --> 00:01:23.820 All that will happen in the future is clear to us.’ 00:01:23.820 --> 00:01:26.050 Prometheus looked them up and down. 00:01:26.050 --> 00:01:29.710 ‘Sisters, if you truly are the Fates, 00:01:29.710 --> 00:01:31.890 then I have a question for you.’ 00:01:31.890 --> 00:01:35.420 ‘Ask us and we will tell you the truth.’ 00:01:35.420 --> 00:01:39.620 ‘The new gods and goddesses have divided up the universe. 00:01:39.620 --> 00:01:41.490 There is a god of the sky, 00:01:41.490 --> 00:01:43.010 a god of the sea, 00:01:43.010 --> 00:01:44.830 a god of the underworld, 00:01:44.830 --> 00:01:46.240 a god of light, 00:01:46.240 --> 00:01:47.870 a goddess of the moon, 00:01:47.870 --> 00:01:49.210 a goddess of love, 00:01:49.210 --> 00:01:50.990 a goddess of wisdom, 00:01:50.990 --> 00:01:54.840 and yet the world belongs to nobody. 00:01:54.800 --> 00:02:00.170 Tell me sisters, whose children will inherit the earth?’ 00:02:00.170 --> 00:02:04.970 The three Fates smiled gap-toothed grins and chuckled. 00:02:04.970 --> 00:02:07.420 ‘Your children, Prometheus. 00:02:07.420 --> 00:02:08.680 Yours!’ 00:02:08.680 --> 00:02:10.330 ‘But I have no children. 00:02:10.330 --> 00:02:12.120 I don’t even have a wife. 00:02:12.120 --> 00:02:13.720 Tell me more.’ 00:02:13.720 --> 00:02:16.120 But the three Fates were silent. 00:02:16.120 --> 00:02:20.370 It was as though they had turned to stone. 00:02:20.370 --> 00:02:24.990 As Prometheus lowered his head and made his way out of the cave, 00:02:24.990 --> 00:02:29.030 he remembered how, in the early days of the world, 00:02:29.030 --> 00:02:34.770 he had buried three stone jars filled with the flesh of his mother, the earth, 00:02:34.770 --> 00:02:38.020 and the blood of his father, the sky. 00:02:38.020 --> 00:02:40.630 He journeyed to the place he had buried them. 00:02:40.630 --> 00:02:48.260 He dug into the soil with his grey hands and soon his fingers curled around cold stone. 00:02:48.260 --> 00:02:52.450 He lifted the jars and cradled them in his arms. 00:02:52.450 --> 00:02:56.670 He carried them to his green valley at the foot of Mount Hymettus. 00:02:56.670 --> 00:02:59.410 He showed them to his brother, Epimetheus. 00:02:59.410 --> 00:03:01.240 ‘What’s inside the jars?’ 00:03:01.240 --> 00:03:03.990 Prometheus smiled tenderly. 00:03:03.990 --> 00:03:06.940 ‘My children,’ he said. 00:03:06.940 --> 00:03:09.330 He took them to the edge of a stream, 00:03:09.330 --> 00:03:11.100 at the foot of a valley. 00:03:11.100 --> 00:03:14.290 He lifted the lid from one of the jars. 00:03:14.290 --> 00:03:18.180 He scooped out a handful of the blood-soaked earth. 00:03:18.180 --> 00:03:23.620 He lifted a handful of clay from the water’s edge and he kneaded them together. 00:03:23.620 --> 00:03:29.150 He had no plan but it was as though his fingers had a mind of their own. 00:03:29.150 --> 00:03:37.310 He was making a head, shoulders, arms, a body, legs. 00:03:37.310 --> 00:03:41.070 He was making something not unlike himself, 00:03:41.070 --> 00:03:43.380 not unlike the gods, 00:03:43.380 --> 00:03:45.780 and the thing was becoming warm. 00:03:45.780 --> 00:03:47.860 It was wriggling with a life of its own. 00:03:47.860 --> 00:03:50.060 It was suddenly veined with blood, 00:03:50.060 --> 00:03:52.130 then cloudy with skin. 00:03:52.130 --> 00:03:54.780 It opened its mouth and gasped for breath. 00:03:54.780 --> 00:03:57.620 It opened its eyes and looked at him. 00:03:57.620 --> 00:03:59.620 With infinite tenderness, 00:03:59.620 --> 00:04:01.880 Prometheus set it on the ground. 00:04:01.880 --> 00:04:05.690 It ran away from him and crouched among the bushes. 00:04:05.690 --> 00:04:09.130 Prometheus made another one and another. 00:04:09.130 --> 00:04:12.530 He made male ones and female ones. 00:04:12.530 --> 00:04:15.720 They all ran from him and huddled together. 00:04:15.720 --> 00:04:17.730 All day he worked, 00:04:17.730 --> 00:04:23.320 until there was just one handful of earth left in the third jar. 00:04:23.320 --> 00:04:25.050 He mixed it with clay. 00:04:25.050 --> 00:04:27.630 He shaped it and set it on the ground. 00:04:27.630 --> 00:04:32.730 It ran away from him and then let out a sharp, piercing cry. 00:04:32.730 --> 00:04:34.480 It fell to the ground, 00:04:34.480 --> 00:04:37.530 it shuddered and was still. 00:04:37.530 --> 00:04:40.290 Prometheus went across and lifted it. 00:04:40.290 --> 00:04:44.550 It was cold in his hand, as cold as clay. 00:04:44.550 --> 00:04:48.320 He dug a hole and buried it. 00:04:48.320 --> 00:04:51.200 In the cave of the ancient sisters, 00:04:51.200 --> 00:04:55.210 the third crone was opening her shears. 00:04:55.210 --> 00:04:58.430 The first had been spinning threads on her spindle; 00:04:58.430 --> 00:05:01.280 each thread was a human life. 00:05:01.280 --> 00:05:05.010 The second had been measuring the length of the threads. 00:05:05.010 --> 00:05:10.810 The third had just tried her shears for the very first time. 00:05:10.810 --> 00:05:12.590 She nodded. 00:05:12.590 --> 00:05:14.410 They were sharp. 00:05:14.410 --> 00:05:17.140 She smiled at her sisters. 00:05:17.140 --> 00:05:20.960 ‘Everything is ready now.’