WEBVTT 00:00:02.540 --> 00:00:08.110 Episode 11 – Love and Death 00:00:08.110 --> 00:00:26.820 [Opening music] 00:00:26.820 --> 00:00:33.280 The day after Hector’s funeral the awful tumult resumed. 00:00:33.280 --> 00:00:35.240 And, out on the battlefield, 00:00:35.240 --> 00:00:37.830 Achilles was in the thick of the battle, 00:00:37.830 --> 00:00:42.090 severing heads with every stroke of his sword. 00:00:42.090 --> 00:00:45.420 That night he was back on the battlefield, 00:00:45.420 --> 00:00:47.420 wrapped in a black cloak, 00:00:47.420 --> 00:00:49.520 clambering over the corpses, 00:00:49.520 --> 00:00:54.550 making his way so that he could look up at the tops of the walls of Troy, 00:00:54.550 --> 00:01:01.300 scanning them, desperate for a glimpse of that pretty Trojan princess, Polyxena. 00:01:01.300 --> 00:01:02.920 Day after day he fought. 00:01:02.920 --> 00:01:05.330 Night after night he skulked, 00:01:05.330 --> 00:01:08.310 until eventually, exasperated, 00:01:08.310 --> 00:01:12.210 he bribed a Trojan foot soldier to take a note to her, 00:01:12.210 --> 00:01:17.980 begging her to meet him outside the walls in an ancient grove of olive trees. 00:01:17.980 --> 00:01:22.880 And Polyxena read that letter and she remembered Achilles, 00:01:22.880 --> 00:01:25.020 she remembered his beauty. 00:01:25.020 --> 00:01:31.220 She looked at the golden ring on her finger and she was filled with love and longing for him. 00:01:31.220 --> 00:01:34.250 And that night, when the sky was bright with stars, 00:01:34.250 --> 00:01:40.430 she wrapped the black cloak over her shoulders and she hurried through the streets of Troy and through a secret gate, 00:01:40.430 --> 00:01:43.440 and across the plain to the olive grove. 00:01:43.440 --> 00:01:46.540 Some of the trees were still standing and some were splintered, 00:01:46.540 --> 00:01:48.140 lying on the ground. 00:01:48.140 --> 00:01:49.740 And as she drew close, 00:01:49.740 --> 00:01:54.570 Achilles stepped out of the shadows and she ran into his arms. 00:01:54.570 --> 00:01:58.540 And those hands that had so recently been the death of her brother, 00:01:58.540 --> 00:02:00.520 fondled her tenderly. 00:02:00.520 --> 00:02:02.860 And they lay down on the grass together, 00:02:02.860 --> 00:02:05.660 locked in one another’s arms. 00:02:05.660 --> 00:02:10.180 But nothing is hidden from the mighty gods and goddesses. 00:02:10.180 --> 00:02:13.870 And high overhead Aphrodite, the goddess of love, 00:02:13.870 --> 00:02:15.960 called to golden Apollo and she said, 00:02:15.960 --> 00:02:17.920 “Apollo, look at this! 00:02:17.920 --> 00:02:18.740 Look at this! 00:02:18.740 --> 00:02:20.980 Look what I’ve made happen!” 00:02:20.980 --> 00:02:23.080 And Apollo looked down and he said, 00:02:23.080 --> 00:02:25.000 “Shameless Polyxena! 00:02:25.000 --> 00:02:27.870 Shameless, shameless Aphrodite!” 00:02:27.870 --> 00:02:28.900 And Aphrodite said, 00:02:28.900 --> 00:02:31.450 “But Apollo, don’t you understand? 00:02:31.450 --> 00:02:33.860 This is our chance. 00:02:33.860 --> 00:02:35.640 Go to Paris. 00:02:35.640 --> 00:02:38.180 Tell him that his sister, Polyxena, 00:02:38.180 --> 00:02:41.760 has taken a lover, a Greek lover. 00:02:41.760 --> 00:02:44.200 Tell him to follow her tomorrow night, 00:02:44.200 --> 00:02:47.280 with a bow and a quiver full of arrows, 00:02:47.280 --> 00:02:52.410 and I’ll put what words I can into Polyxena’s mouth.” 00:02:52.410 --> 00:02:55.040 And suddenly Apollo understood. 00:02:55.040 --> 00:02:59.220 And he threw back his head and he shouted with laughter. 00:02:59.220 --> 00:03:00.700 And, as swift as thought, 00:03:00.700 --> 00:03:03.330 he flew through the air into Troy, 00:03:03.330 --> 00:03:05.000 into the palace of Paris, 00:03:05.000 --> 00:03:06.330 into the bedchamber, 00:03:06.330 --> 00:03:09.490 where Paris was lying asleep in Helen’s arms. 00:03:09.490 --> 00:03:13.400 And golden Apollo entered Paris’ dreams. 00:03:13.400 --> 00:03:17.810 “Paris, did you know that your sister, Polyxena, 00:03:17.810 --> 00:03:21.500 has taken a lover, a Greek lover. 00:03:21.500 --> 00:03:27.440 Follow her tomorrow night with a bow and a quiver full of arrows.” 00:03:27.440 --> 00:03:29.660 And in that moment Paris woke up, 00:03:29.660 --> 00:03:32.430 with the words echoing in his mind. 00:03:32.430 --> 00:03:35.650 And all the next day he watched his sister, Polyxena, 00:03:35.650 --> 00:03:40.570 but she gave no clue, no hint, no indication, 00:03:40.570 --> 00:03:49.690 until the night came and the sky brightened with stars and he saw her hurrying through the streets in a black cloak and through a secret gate. 00:03:49.690 --> 00:03:52.970 And he grabbed a bow and a quiver full of arrows. 00:03:52.970 --> 00:03:54.220 And he followed her. 00:03:54.220 --> 00:03:55.930 He followed her across the plain. 00:03:55.930 --> 00:03:57.890 He saw the grove of olive trees. 00:03:57.890 --> 00:04:00.210 He saw a figure stepping out of the shadows. 00:04:00.210 --> 00:04:03.310 He saw Polyxena running into his arms. 00:04:03.310 --> 00:04:09.730 And then Paris felt a cold shudder from the nape of the neck to the root of the spine. 00:04:09.730 --> 00:04:11.030 Achilles! 00:04:11.030 --> 00:04:13.560 He flattened himself against the ground. 00:04:13.560 --> 00:04:15.870 He pressed his face into the dirt, 00:04:15.870 --> 00:04:18.540 hardly daring to breathe. 00:04:18.540 --> 00:04:19.930 And, as he lay there, 00:04:19.930 --> 00:04:23.460 he could hear the lovers talking and laughing. 00:04:23.460 --> 00:04:27.670 And then he heard the sound of them lying down together. 00:04:27.670 --> 00:04:29.660 And Paris lifted his head. 00:04:29.660 --> 00:04:33.090 He peered over the trunk of a fallen tree. 00:04:33.090 --> 00:04:34.970 He could see Achilles. 00:04:34.970 --> 00:04:37.660 He could see the back of his head, his shoulders, 00:04:37.660 --> 00:04:42.440 the small of his back, the backs of his legs, his heels. 00:04:42.440 --> 00:04:44.870 And then he heard Polyxena say, 00:04:44.870 --> 00:04:48.420 “My lover, I don’t understand. 00:04:48.420 --> 00:04:51.560 You have been fighting in this war for as long as I can remember, 00:04:51.560 --> 00:04:53.430 since I was five years old. 00:04:53.430 --> 00:04:56.240 And yet you’re unscratched. 00:04:56.240 --> 00:04:59.720 There’s no mark, no bruise, no scar on your body. 00:04:59.740 --> 00:05:01.090 Why?” 00:05:01.090 --> 00:05:03.290 And Achilles said, “Polyxena, 00:05:03.290 --> 00:05:05.480 when I was a baby my mother, Thetis, 00:05:05.480 --> 00:05:08.650 carried me down to the dark waters of the river Styx. 00:05:08.650 --> 00:05:10.650 She lowered me into the river. 00:05:10.650 --> 00:05:13.500 Wherever the water touched I am invulnerable. 00:05:13.500 --> 00:05:15.070 I cannot be harmed. 00:05:15.070 --> 00:05:18.490 The only place I can be harmed is where she held me, 00:05:18.490 --> 00:05:20.520 my heel.” 00:05:20.520 --> 00:05:24.230 Paris drew an arrow from the quiver. 00:05:24.230 --> 00:05:27.070 He fitted the arrow to the bowstring. 00:05:27.070 --> 00:05:29.970 He drew the bowstring back. 00:05:29.970 --> 00:05:33.020 He loosed the arrow. 00:05:33.020 --> 00:05:36.530 And it would have gone wide, wide of its mark, 00:05:36.530 --> 00:05:39.800 if golden Apollo had not been watching and waiting. 00:05:39.800 --> 00:05:42.080 He seized it as it flew through the air. 00:05:42.080 --> 00:05:47.580 He ran across and he plunged the point of it into Achilles’ heel. 00:05:47.580 --> 00:05:56.260 And a great shudder went through Achilles’ body and the life went out of him in one breath. 00:05:56.260 --> 00:05:58.030 And Paris leapt to his feet. 00:05:58.030 --> 00:05:59.400 “Achilles is dead! 00:05:59.400 --> 00:06:01.120 Achilles is dead!” 00:06:01.120 --> 00:06:02.780 He ran back to the city. 00:06:02.780 --> 00:06:04.330 He ran from street to street. 00:06:04.330 --> 00:06:05.620 “Achilles is dead! 00:06:05.620 --> 00:06:07.020 Achilles is dead!” 00:06:07.020 --> 00:06:08.820 In every house lanterns were lit, 00:06:08.820 --> 00:06:10.230 doors were thrown open, 00:06:10.230 --> 00:06:12.400 people came running into the streets. 00:06:12.400 --> 00:06:13.790 “Achilles is dead! 00:06:13.790 --> 00:06:16.410 Achilles is dead!” 00:06:16.410 --> 00:06:18.180 Back in the Greek camp, 00:06:18.180 --> 00:06:21.160 King Odysseus was woken by a great commotion. 00:06:21.160 --> 00:06:23.100 He searched for the source of the sound. 00:06:23.100 --> 00:06:26.000 He found himself before Achilles’ stables. 00:06:26.000 --> 00:06:27.340 He opened up the doors. 00:06:27.340 --> 00:06:29.680 There were the wonderful white horses, 00:06:29.680 --> 00:06:30.870 rearing up in the air, 00:06:30.870 --> 00:06:32.630 kicking the air with their front legs, 00:06:32.630 --> 00:06:34.620 kicking at their stalls with their back legs, 00:06:34.620 --> 00:06:37.340 rolling their great eyes, snorting. 00:06:37.340 --> 00:06:39.690 Odysseus harnessed them to a chariot. 00:06:39.690 --> 00:06:41.020 They took him out of the camp, 00:06:41.020 --> 00:06:42.980 out across the blasted battlefield, 00:06:42.980 --> 00:06:44.870 until he was near the walls of Troy – 00:06:44.870 --> 00:06:46.740 to an ancient olive grove. 00:06:46.740 --> 00:06:47.790 Odysseus climbed down. 00:06:47.790 --> 00:06:52.100 He made his way from behind one tree to the next until he found a girl, 00:06:52.100 --> 00:06:53.580 a Trojan girl, 00:06:53.580 --> 00:06:57.060 kneeling in the grass, weeping, her shoulders shaking. 00:06:57.060 --> 00:07:03.280 And, in front of her, lying, stretched out, lifeless – 00:07:03.280 --> 00:07:06.370 the body of Achilles! 00:07:06.370 --> 00:07:08.080 Achilles was dead! 00:07:08.080 --> 00:07:09.040 He pushed her away. 00:07:09.040 --> 00:07:12.980 He gathered up the body back into the chariot and back to the Greek camp. 00:07:12.980 --> 00:07:14.540 “Achilles is dead! 00:07:14.540 --> 00:07:15.840 Achilles is dead!” 00:07:15.840 --> 00:07:24.650 The great bronze Scaean gates of the city were thrown open and the people followed Paris across the plain to the olive grove. 00:07:24.650 --> 00:07:27.270 But there was no sign of Achilles. 00:07:27.270 --> 00:07:30.030 There was only Polyxena, 00:07:30.030 --> 00:07:38.210 sobbing and sobbing and sobbing and looking at the ring on her finger as it dribbled blood down the back of her hand, 00:07:38.210 --> 00:07:46.460 down her arm and the blood was dripping from her elbow onto the earth. 00:07:46.460 --> 00:07:50.540 By the time King Odysseus returned to the Greek camp, 00:07:50.540 --> 00:07:52.440 everyone was awake. 00:07:52.440 --> 00:07:57.340 They followed him with flaming torches from the gates to the gathering place. 00:07:57.340 --> 00:08:07.500 He lifted the slight body of Achilles out of the chariot and laid it in the mud and the men around him gasped. 00:08:07.500 --> 00:08:12.160 He looked serene in death. 00:08:12.160 --> 00:08:18.650 All through his life Achilles’ face had been twisted with passion, 00:08:18.650 --> 00:08:21.690 with worry and care. 00:08:21.690 --> 00:08:26.680 But now all those passions were gone. 00:08:26.680 --> 00:08:31.120 It was as though he was asleep. 00:08:31.120 --> 00:08:35.080 As they feasted on his beauty, 00:08:35.080 --> 00:08:37.870 his mother came from the sea, 00:08:37.870 --> 00:08:41.810 her face shrouded in a veil. 00:08:41.810 --> 00:08:44.930 She scooped up the body of her son 00:08:44.930 --> 00:08:47.170 and, as though he was still alive, 00:08:47.170 --> 00:08:50.960 as though he was a little boy who could not sleep, 00:08:50.960 --> 00:08:52.700 she rocked him. 00:08:52.700 --> 00:08:55.200 She sang to him. 00:08:55.200 --> 00:08:57.530 The men went back to their huts. 00:08:57.530 --> 00:09:01.580 They left mother and son alone together. 00:09:01.580 --> 00:09:04.630 She burned his body. 00:09:04.630 --> 00:09:08.570 And, as Thetis watched the flames rise up, 00:09:08.570 --> 00:09:11.550 she thought of her wedding day, 00:09:11.550 --> 00:09:13.960 the happiest day of her life. 00:09:13.960 --> 00:09:17.770 How full of hope she’d been! 00:09:17.770 --> 00:09:21.480 She thought of all the wonderful wedding gifts: 00:09:21.480 --> 00:09:25.720 the spear, the golden breastplate, 00:09:25.720 --> 00:09:32.540 the wonderful ring, the four white horses, the ant warriors… 00:09:32.540 --> 00:09:36.340 and then she remembered the last gift. 00:09:36.340 --> 00:09:44.540 And she walked to Achilles’ hut and there inside in the corner, squatting, gathering shadows, 00:09:44.540 --> 00:09:50.730 there it was, the gift of the god of the dead. 00:09:50.730 --> 00:09:53.470 A black urn. 00:09:53.470 --> 00:09:57.850 Inlaid in silver across its front, a picture, 00:09:57.850 --> 00:10:02.940 an image of three goddesses, the three Fates. 00:10:02.940 --> 00:10:07.250 The first who spins out the thread of a life, 00:10:07.250 --> 00:10:10.930 the second who measures out the life’s length 00:10:10.930 --> 00:10:16.450 and the third who cuts it. 00:10:16.450 --> 00:10:18.880 She picked up the urn. 00:10:18.880 --> 00:10:22.540 She found the ashes of Patroclus and put them in. 00:10:22.540 --> 00:10:23.800 She went outside. 00:10:23.800 --> 00:10:30.000 Now the pyre was only glowing ashes, shining bones. 00:10:30.000 --> 00:10:38.720 She put those ashes and bones into the urn and mingled them with those of Patroclus. 00:10:38.720 --> 00:10:41.480 Then she walked out of the camp. 00:10:41.480 --> 00:10:44.320 She carried the urn, the ashes, 00:10:44.320 --> 00:10:50.550 out of the sight, out of the reach of any mortal man. 00:10:50.550 --> 00:10:55.680 She buried it on a headland that overlooks the sea. 00:10:55.680 --> 00:11:00.700 And, when she had finished, she said, 00:11:00.700 --> 00:11:04.320 “My dear child, 00:11:04.320 --> 00:11:07.770 not for you the stretching shadow, 00:11:07.770 --> 00:11:11.480 not for you the ripening grape, 00:11:11.480 --> 00:11:19.090 not for you the joy of children. 00:11:19.090 --> 00:11:26.780 You chose glory.” 00:11:26.780 --> 00:12:20.180 [Closing music]