WEBVTT 00:00:02.950 --> 00:00:07.700 Episode 2 – Choices 00:00:07.700 --> 00:00:25.160 [Opening music] 00:00:25.160 --> 00:00:28.970 Far, far away from that island, 00:00:28.970 --> 00:00:34.370 where Achilles had been dressed as a girl and hidden by his mother; 00:00:34.370 --> 00:00:41.400 far, far away across the blue Aegean sea there stood a city. 00:00:41.400 --> 00:00:46.760 Imagine the walls towering high above your head. 00:00:46.760 --> 00:00:56.430 Imagine painted palaces, carved temples, broad streets, houses of wood and stone. 00:00:56.430 --> 00:01:04.140 The great city of Ilium, the magnificent city of Troy. 00:01:04.140 --> 00:01:09.130 The king of that city was called Priam – 00:01:09.130 --> 00:01:12.970 white-bearded Priam, the father of Troy, 00:01:12.970 --> 00:01:17.300 the father of the bull-herding Trojans. 00:01:17.300 --> 00:01:24.270 And the queen of the city was called Hecuba, Queen Hecuba. 00:01:24.270 --> 00:01:27.590 Now Hecuba had already had two sons – 00:01:27.590 --> 00:01:29.880 two strapping boys. 00:01:29.880 --> 00:01:34.390 One was called Hector and one was called Deiphobus. 00:01:34.390 --> 00:01:37.990 And now she was expecting another baby. 00:01:37.990 --> 00:01:41.930 She was big with the baby she was carrying. 00:01:41.930 --> 00:01:46.560 And one night she was lying on her bed, fast asleep, 00:01:46.560 --> 00:01:48.690 and she had a dream. 00:01:48.690 --> 00:01:51.750 And in her dream she gave birth. 00:01:51.750 --> 00:01:55.910 But she didn’t give birth to any mortal child. 00:01:55.910 --> 00:01:59.120 She gave birth to a blazing torch, 00:01:59.120 --> 00:02:06.550 with red flames and yellow flames like flickering snakes that set the whole city on fire. 00:02:06.550 --> 00:02:11.470 And when she woke up she told the dream to her husband, King Priam. 00:02:11.470 --> 00:02:13.070 And Priam said, 00:02:13.070 --> 00:02:18.110 “You must take this dream to the priests and the wise men.” 00:02:18.110 --> 00:02:21.010 And so Hecuba went to the priests and the wise men, 00:02:21.010 --> 00:02:22.950 and she told them her dream. 00:02:22.950 --> 00:02:25.720 And they shook their heads and they said, 00:02:25.720 --> 00:02:29.080 “This dream is a bad thing. 00:02:29.080 --> 00:02:33.360 This dream means that you will give birth to a son – 00:02:33.360 --> 00:02:35.100 a baby boy. 00:02:35.100 --> 00:02:39.610 And if that child is allowed to grow up to become a man, 00:02:39.610 --> 00:02:43.370 then he will cause the whole city to burn, 00:02:43.370 --> 00:02:45.480 like a blazing torch.” 00:02:45.480 --> 00:02:48.580 And Hecuba said, “Then what am I to do?” 00:02:48.580 --> 00:02:51.320 And they said, “There’s only one thing you can do. 00:02:51.320 --> 00:02:54.050 As soon as the child is born, 00:02:54.050 --> 00:02:56.550 he must be killed.” 00:02:56.550 --> 00:03:00.760 Well some days later Hecuba gave birth. 00:03:00.760 --> 00:03:03.730 And she gave birth to a baby boy, 00:03:03.730 --> 00:03:07.570 but he was the most beautiful child. 00:03:07.580 --> 00:03:10.570 His face was shining with light. 00:03:10.570 --> 00:03:13.750 His little hands were opening and closing. 00:03:13.750 --> 00:03:15.360 And, as soon as he was born, 00:03:15.360 --> 00:03:21.350 King Priam drew his sword and he raised the blade of the sword above his shoulder. 00:03:21.350 --> 00:03:23.780 But what would you have done? 00:03:23.780 --> 00:03:25.840 He looked at the child. 00:03:25.840 --> 00:03:32.550 He looked at the beautiful boy and he could not bring himself to kill him. 00:03:32.550 --> 00:03:35.780 And so he called his soldiers and, one after the other, 00:03:35.780 --> 00:03:40.940 the soldiers came into the room and they drew their swords but not one of them – 00:03:40.940 --> 00:03:45.220 even the most hardened, cut-throat in his army – 00:03:45.220 --> 00:03:49.280 not one of them could kill the beautiful child. 00:03:49.280 --> 00:03:54.270 And so he grew up in the palace of Priam and Hecuba, 00:03:54.270 --> 00:03:58.360 and he was given the name Paris. 00:03:58.360 --> 00:04:02.260 And from a beautiful baby to a beautiful boy. 00:04:02.260 --> 00:04:06.260 And from a beautiful boy to a beautiful young man. 00:04:06.260 --> 00:04:10.930 And the priests and the wise men watched him growing and they shook their heads and they said, 00:04:10.930 --> 00:04:13.820 “This is a bad thing.” 00:04:13.820 --> 00:04:17.680 And seventeen years passed – 00:04:17.680 --> 00:04:20.870 seventeen long years. 00:04:20.870 --> 00:04:27.920 And one time Zeus, the cloudcompeller, the king of the gods, 00:04:27.920 --> 00:04:30.740 on the high slopes of Mount Olympus, 00:04:30.740 --> 00:04:35.170 Zeus was looking down at the world and he saw Paris. 00:04:35.170 --> 00:04:40.850 He saw this beautiful young man out hunting on the foothills of Mount Ida – 00:04:40.850 --> 00:04:45.680 the mountain that stretched up behind the city walls of Troy. 00:04:45.680 --> 00:04:49.250 Now Zeus had a headache. 00:04:49.250 --> 00:04:52.100 He’d had a headache for a long time 00:04:52.100 --> 00:05:01.220 because those three goddesses had never stopped arguing and bickering and quarrelling as to who was the most beautiful. 00:05:01.220 --> 00:05:05.830 And he looked down at the beautiful young man, a king’s son, 00:05:05.830 --> 00:05:07.510 and he thought to himself, 00:05:07.510 --> 00:05:11.960 “He will decide who is the most beautiful.” 00:05:11.960 --> 00:05:15.260 And he called Hermes, the messenger of the gods. 00:05:15.260 --> 00:05:19.700 And Hermes strapped on his winged sandals and, swift as thought, 00:05:19.700 --> 00:05:22.310 he flew down out of the sky and he came to Paris. 00:05:22.310 --> 00:05:25.360 He said, “Paris, I’ve been sent by great father Zeus. 00:05:25.360 --> 00:05:32.600 And he has told me to tell you that you must decide which of these three goddesses is the most beautiful.” 00:05:32.600 --> 00:05:34.710 And he clicked his fingers. 00:05:34.710 --> 00:05:36.340 And out of the light, 00:05:36.340 --> 00:05:40.300 three goddesses appeared in front of Paris. 00:05:40.300 --> 00:05:44.250 There was Hera, the wife of Zeus, the queen of heaven – 00:05:44.250 --> 00:05:47.990 ox-eyed Hera, magnificent. 00:05:47.990 --> 00:05:51.820 There was Athene, the goddess of war and wisdom, 00:05:51.820 --> 00:05:55.200 her grey eyes shining with light. 00:05:55.200 --> 00:05:58.780 And there was Aphrodite, the goddess of love – 00:05:58.780 --> 00:06:01.760 beautiful, beautiful Aphrodite. 00:06:01.760 --> 00:06:02.500 And Hermes said, 00:06:02.500 --> 00:06:09.080 “Paris, you must decide who is the most beautiful and you must give her this golden apple.” 00:06:09.080 --> 00:06:12.800 And he dropped the golden apple into Paris’ hand and he was gone. 00:06:12.800 --> 00:06:20.200 And Paris was left standing, staring, goggle-eyed, at three goddesses. 00:06:20.200 --> 00:06:24.000 But his eyes kept wandering towards Aphrodite – 00:06:24.000 --> 00:06:25.490 the goddess of love. 00:06:25.490 --> 00:06:27.520 And Hera stamped her foot. 00:06:27.520 --> 00:06:28.770 She said, “It’s not fair. 00:06:28.770 --> 00:06:32.490 Aphrodite is wearing her belt of love and desire. 00:06:32.490 --> 00:06:36.450 Paris must decide when he’s seen us naked.” 00:06:36.450 --> 00:06:38.530 And Athene agreed. 00:06:38.530 --> 00:06:43.330 And so it was the three goddesses took off their clothes. 00:06:43.330 --> 00:06:45.230 They disrobed. 00:06:45.230 --> 00:06:49.120 They stood stark naked in front of Paris. 00:06:49.120 --> 00:06:57.390 And now Paris was looking from one to the other and he could not decide who was the most beautiful. 00:06:57.390 --> 00:07:02.860 And so Hera stepped forwards, the wife of Zeus, 00:07:02.860 --> 00:07:06.140 her ox-eyes shining and she said, 00:07:06.140 --> 00:07:11.270 “Paris, choose me and I will give you power. 00:07:11.270 --> 00:07:18.450 Choose me and I will make you a king over the whole of Europe and the whole of Asia.” 00:07:18.450 --> 00:07:20.700 And she stepped back. 00:07:20.700 --> 00:07:23.320 And then Athene came forwards, 00:07:23.320 --> 00:07:26.880 her long limbs unblemished and she said, 00:07:26.880 --> 00:07:31.390 “Paris, choose me and you’ll never lose a battle. 00:07:31.390 --> 00:07:38.620 Choose me and you’ll be famous the length and the breadth of the world for your wisdom, your cleverness.” 00:07:38.620 --> 00:07:40.740 And she stepped back. 00:07:40.740 --> 00:07:45.450 And then Aphrodite came forwards, beautiful Aphrodite, 00:07:45.450 --> 00:07:48.410 smelling of musk and honey. 00:07:48.410 --> 00:07:49.040 And she said, 00:07:49.040 --> 00:07:56.810 “Paris, choose me and I will give you the most beautiful woman in the world.” 00:07:56.810 --> 00:07:58.390 And Paris said, “Who is she?” 00:07:58.390 --> 00:08:00.120 “Her name is Helen. 00:08:00.120 --> 00:08:03.840 She’s the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta. 00:08:03.840 --> 00:08:06.020 I will blind her with love for you. 00:08:06.020 --> 00:08:09.600 She will give you everything.” 00:08:09.600 --> 00:08:10.500 And Paris said, 00:08:10.500 --> 00:08:12.260 “What does she look like?” 00:08:12.260 --> 00:08:14.190 And Aphrodite said, 00:08:14.190 --> 00:08:18.450 “She is as beautiful as I am.” 00:08:18.450 --> 00:08:20.200 And she stepped back. 00:08:20.200 --> 00:08:27.970 And Paris lifted the golden apple above his shoulder and he looked from one goddess to the other. 00:08:27.970 --> 00:08:30.230 What did he do? 00:08:30.230 --> 00:08:33.400 What would you have done? 00:08:33.400 --> 00:08:37.760 Well he looked from one to the other and then he said, 00:08:37.760 --> 00:08:42.630 “The golden apple goes to Aphrodite.” 00:08:42.630 --> 00:08:45.590 And Hera and Athene were furious. 00:08:45.590 --> 00:08:46.870 They turned on their heels. 00:08:46.870 --> 00:08:49.650 They flashed into the sky and they were gone. 00:08:49.650 --> 00:08:52.500 And, as for Aphrodite, the goddess of love, 00:08:52.500 --> 00:08:54.980 she loosed an invisible arrow, 00:08:54.980 --> 00:08:57.760 which struck Paris in the heart. 00:08:57.760 --> 00:08:59.630 And from that moment, 00:08:59.630 --> 00:09:02.090 even though he’d never seen her, 00:09:02.090 --> 00:09:06.280 even though she was nothing more than a name, an idea, 00:09:06.280 --> 00:09:08.370 he was in love with Helen, 00:09:08.370 --> 00:09:12.170 the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta. 00:09:12.170 --> 00:09:17.160 And Aphrodite reached down and she picked up her belt of love and desire. 00:09:17.160 --> 00:09:19.140 And she tied it round her waist, 00:09:19.140 --> 00:09:20.990 and she was gone. 00:09:20.990 --> 00:09:23.820 And, as for Hera and Athene, 00:09:23.820 --> 00:09:27.290 from that moment they hated Paris, 00:09:27.290 --> 00:09:36.540 and they were pondering in their hearts how they could bring about his death and the destruction of the whole city of Troy. 00:09:36.540 --> 00:09:40.870 And, as for Paris, dazed, confused, 00:09:40.870 --> 00:09:44.910 he made his way back to the city of Troy. 00:09:44.910 --> 00:09:49.420 And some little while later, his father, King Priam, called him and he said, 00:09:49.420 --> 00:09:50.670 “Paris, my son. 00:09:50.670 --> 00:09:53.030 You’re young, you’re handsome. 00:09:53.030 --> 00:09:55.260 The time has come for you to choose a wife. 00:09:55.260 --> 00:09:58.350 The city is full of fine women.” 00:09:58.350 --> 00:10:03.930 But there was only one woman in the world who Paris wanted, 00:10:03.930 --> 00:10:06.180 even though he’d never seen her, 00:10:06.180 --> 00:10:10.760 even though she was nothing more than a name, an idea. 00:10:10.760 --> 00:10:12.690 And that was Helen, 00:10:12.690 --> 00:10:17.850 the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta. 00:10:17.850 --> 00:10:28.460 [Opening music] 00:10:28.460 --> 00:10:32.640 Let me tell you the story of Helen. 00:10:32.640 --> 00:10:40.400 Zeus had many mortal sons but only once did he ever have a mortal daughter – 00:10:40.400 --> 00:10:41.960 Helen. 00:10:41.960 --> 00:10:44.880 She was the most beautiful woman in the world. 00:10:44.880 --> 00:10:47.940 Everyone who saw her fell in love with her. 00:10:47.940 --> 00:10:50.210 Some said this was a blessing, 00:10:50.210 --> 00:10:54.110 others that this was a curse. 00:10:54.110 --> 00:10:58.090 Rumours of Helen’s beauty spread across Greece. 00:10:58.090 --> 00:11:03.120 Many a Greek king wanted her for his wife. 00:11:03.120 --> 00:11:06.690 They travelled to the palace of her foster father. 00:11:06.690 --> 00:11:08.550 He had an idea. 00:11:08.550 --> 00:11:14.800 He welcomed all of the Greek kings into the bronze-floored feasting hall of his palace, 00:11:14.800 --> 00:11:18.320 and then he led into that hall a stallion. 00:11:18.320 --> 00:11:20.800 He slaughtered it with his sword. 00:11:20.800 --> 00:11:25.110 He laid out the severed pieces of the stallion across the floor. 00:11:25.110 --> 00:11:26.760 Here the legs, 00:11:26.760 --> 00:11:28.340 there the flanks, 00:11:28.340 --> 00:11:29.500 there the neck, 00:11:29.500 --> 00:11:30.910 there the head. 00:11:30.910 --> 00:11:36.220 And he made each of them stand upon a severed piece and swear an oath, 00:11:36.220 --> 00:11:38.610 make a promise, 00:11:38.610 --> 00:11:41.060 that when Helen chose a husband, 00:11:41.060 --> 00:11:43.100 they would accept her decision. 00:11:43.100 --> 00:11:45.130 And, if ever she was stolen, 00:11:45.130 --> 00:11:49.480 they would come to her husband’s aid. 00:11:49.480 --> 00:11:52.030 Once they had done this, 00:11:52.030 --> 00:12:01.010 the doors of the hall opened and in came Helen. 00:12:01.010 --> 00:12:04.320 All of them stared at her. 00:12:04.320 --> 00:12:06.420 What was she to do? 00:12:06.420 --> 00:12:10.500 Who was she to choose? 00:12:10.500 --> 00:12:16.930 She looked from one to the other to the next. 00:12:16.930 --> 00:12:26.300 And then she took the hands of the red-haired king of Sparta, Menelaus. 00:12:26.300 --> 00:12:31.910 Him she chose for her husband. 00:12:31.910 --> 00:13:27.330 [Closing music]