WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:07.710 Once upon a time, Zeus the king of gods decided to offer a prize to the mother with the most beautiful baby. 00:00:07.710 --> 00:00:12.790 Hermes, the messenger of the gods, flew across the world and told everyone – 00:00:12.790 --> 00:00:16.710 all people, all animals, all birds were invited. 00:00:16.710 --> 00:00:23.270 Soon a long line was snaking up the slopes of Mount Olympus towards Zeus’ palace: 00:00:23.270 --> 00:00:25.890 a line of proud mothers. 00:00:25.890 --> 00:00:34.400 There were deer, peacocks, horses, tigers, humans, wolves… 00:00:34.400 --> 00:00:37.180 and among them there was a mother monkey. 00:00:37.180 --> 00:00:42.940 In her arms she was holding a little pink, bald, flat-­‐nosed thing. 00:00:42.940 --> 00:00:45.820 When the monkey reached the doors of Zeus’ palace, 00:00:45.820 --> 00:00:49.510 all the other gods and goddesses began to laugh 00:00:49.510 --> 00:00:52.980 but the mother hugged her little one close. 00:00:52.980 --> 00:00:56.160 ‘Zeus can give the prize to whoever he likes, 00:00:56.160 --> 00:01:01.850 but to me my baby is the most beautiful of them all.’