WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:03.180 The Green Mist 00:00:03.180 --> 00:00:06.290 In the fens and marshlands of Eastern England, 00:00:06.290 --> 00:00:10.400 folk held onto the old ways to keep bad luck at bay. 00:00:10.400 --> 00:00:14.830 During the winter nothing grew so the spirits had nothing but evil to do. 00:00:14.830 --> 00:00:18.540 During the short dark days and long dark nights, 00:00:18.540 --> 00:00:22.850 clammy fingers scratched at the windows and doors. 00:00:22.850 --> 00:00:26.780 The people inside spoke spells, whose meanings had been forgotten, 00:00:26.780 --> 00:00:31.890 in the hope that these chants would keep the spirits away. 00:00:31.890 --> 00:00:35.640 Every morning at dawn they would sprinkle salt and bread, 00:00:35.640 --> 00:00:38.130 hoping that the green mist would come – 00:00:38.130 --> 00:00:40.480 because with the green mist came the Spring, 00:00:40.480 --> 00:00:44.740 and the Spring meant the retreat of the darkness. 00:00:44.740 --> 00:00:48.200 A family had done what could be done yet, for all that, 00:00:48.200 --> 00:00:51.000 one winter heavy sorrow was on them. 00:00:51.000 --> 00:00:53.790 Their daughter, the prettiest lass in the village, 00:00:53.790 --> 00:00:55.810 withered and shrivelled. 00:00:55.810 --> 00:00:57.900 Now she could barely stand. 00:00:57.900 --> 00:01:00.540 She asked for her bed to be moved to the window. 00:01:00.540 --> 00:01:04.530 She watched the silent world outside and said to her mother, 00:01:04.530 --> 00:01:06.930 ‘If I can just outlive the winter, 00:01:06.930 --> 00:01:10.600 perhaps the green mist would make me straight and strong again, 00:01:10.600 --> 00:01:15.690 like the trees and the flowers and the corn in the fields.’ 00:01:15.690 --> 00:01:20.430 Down in the village, a young lad had always had a corner for her. 00:01:20.430 --> 00:01:22.700 He’d see her at market. 00:01:22.700 --> 00:01:26.500 When she became weak and rarely ventured from her cottage, 00:01:26.500 --> 00:01:31.760 he even went to church in the hope of glimpsing her. 00:01:31.760 --> 00:01:33.540 Time passed; 00:01:33.540 --> 00:01:35.500 the green mist didn’t come. 00:01:35.500 --> 00:01:38.420 She grew more gaunt and more weak. 00:01:38.420 --> 00:01:40.420 One day she said to her mother, 00:01:40.420 --> 00:01:45.040 ‘If I could live as long as those cowslips that grow by the door, 00:01:45.040 --> 00:01:47.000 I swear I’d be content.’ 00:01:47.000 --> 00:01:48.380 ‘Shh,’ said her mother, 00:01:48.380 --> 00:01:51.360 ‘The spirits might be listening.’ 00:01:51.360 --> 00:01:53.220 The very next morning, 00:01:53.220 --> 00:01:56.670 the green mist came and the girl rallied. 00:01:56.670 --> 00:01:59.740 She sat in the sun and laughed with joy. 00:01:59.740 --> 00:02:03.730 She grew stronger and prettier whenever the sun shone, 00:02:03.730 --> 00:02:08.200 though a cold day would make her white and weak. 00:02:08.200 --> 00:02:10.050 When the cowslips flowered, 00:02:10.050 --> 00:02:15.020 she grew so beautiful they were almost afraid of her. 00:02:15.020 --> 00:02:17.500 The young man was filled with relief. 00:02:17.500 --> 00:02:19.410 ‘What a blessing,’ he said to himself. 00:02:19.410 --> 00:02:20.540 ‘While she is well, 00:02:20.540 --> 00:02:23.450 I’d best go to her, tell her my feelings.’ 00:02:23.450 --> 00:02:25.980 So he walked to her house. 00:02:25.980 --> 00:02:29.250 He stopped outside the door, 00:02:29.250 --> 00:02:32.130 shifting from foot to foot. 00:02:32.130 --> 00:02:35.680 If only he had something to give her. 00:02:35.680 --> 00:02:39.000 There – those flowers. 00:02:39.000 --> 00:02:41.870 In the cottage, they heard a knock. 00:02:41.870 --> 00:02:43.370 She opened the door. 00:02:43.370 --> 00:02:44.770 There stood the young man, 00:02:44.770 --> 00:02:47.570 the cowslips in his hand. 00:02:47.570 --> 00:02:49.580 She looked at them, 00:02:49.580 --> 00:02:53.490 gave a cry and fainted. 00:02:53.490 --> 00:02:57.810 As the flowers wilted, so did she. 00:02:57.810 --> 00:03:02.910 She was gone within a week.